Marketing Strategy

The participation of individuals or companies on social networks and achieve concrete results, they rely on strategies and plans clear and defined in the different social communities on the web. These people not only have defined and quantified what they want to achieve, but that they also measure those results then make corresponding adjustments in the initiatives and/or activities carried out in the media and social networks. It is important that a social media marketing strategy include: 1. research and analysis: investigating thoroughly the social media to understand fully what opportunities there are, where is your target audience, which are ideal channels, etc. They analyse the information collected and defined clearly in what media and social networks will have presence. They define concrete, quantifiable and measurable objectives.

2 Development and implementation: develop an action plan with concrete and detailed activities to be carried out through different channels identified and selected. Then, implement the plan of social media or social media carrying out detailed tasks, recurring and consistent manner. 3. Evaluation and optimization: evaluate the results obtained from the different activities carried out and make corrections and adjustments to achieve the set objectives. In short, those who achieved concrete results in social networks: * have a clear and measurable strategy * investigate and identify appropriate means for its activity * build a professional presence on these networks or social media * they manage and optimize that presence in networks and social media * measured the results of the activities and initiatives carried out all of the above, of coursealigned with the overall objectives of the business.

A social media strategy is sustained as an additional initiative in order to contribute to the achievement of those overall objectives. Another important axis in the social media strategy is to know our target audience. Know who addressed us, where are you, needs must, difficulties or challenges faced, they like, etc.

Social Media

Thanks to social tools an event can go global! Jeff Jarvis said that MySpace has died. Are you agree? Do the stars of the 2.0 reduce Twitter and Facebook? No, the 2.0 is much more than platforms; It is a natural evolution of the Web, it is a concept, a philosophy. The user has evolved: from being passive, has become active, participatory. The 2.0 are the tools that allow us to work with the participation of users. To give you an example, 2.0 can be performed from any platform: networks you mention, a company’s own web, blogs there are a multitude of possibilities. Again Jeff Jarvis says that Twitter is, for now, question of adults, while young people flock to Facebook, is it possible to categorize your audience or target depending whether one and another? Segment not only by age but also by activity; 80% of Twitter users have a professional motivation and knowledge and information sharing. But is it in 140 characters possible? Yes.

The good thing about Twitter is that it allows us a brutal filter; through 140 characters people share what really interests him, especially at the professional level. Just a headline and a link around a conversation will generate. How does it work? It is very ductile; can be used to report an event, but also to give an opinion about what is happening there. The conversation takes on a global dimension overcoming physical barriers posed by the geographical location of the event itself. The event is virtual since then an event does not have to be face-to-face, because, in reality what is an event? It is an experience. In the same way that a flashmob is an event because it is an experience. The flashmobs are successful because people take part in the, but would be a spot or an advertisement on a fence, and not an event.

First Secretary

But about the human mind can not be said. In early childhood, when confronted with the notion of death, any person instinctively resists the perception of this concept, it lasts virtually a lifetime, so it is difficult to reconcile with the fact that man is born only to die forever, that is, the majority of people at the present level of development of human consciousness remains a believer, though many are aware of the inevitability of his sober life at against the existence of infinity of the world in time. In a special series in this respect is a former member of the activities of the Politburo, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Kazakh President Nazarbayev now NA, who came to this issue much progmatichnee. Being an outstanding politician, and knowing full spiritual potential of the multinational “flock”, he became a preacher of faith indigenous nation republic, do not “invent” a new, independent religion, as it may seem at first glance, he created a moral and ethnic system and philosophy, of course, is based on trust of their fellow citizens in God, but really affects only the issues of relations between people, ethics and morality, not touching religious issues and beliefs, not correcting them and, moreover, does not require belief in a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul, believing it private matter, that is, respecting the beliefs and atheists..

The Theories

In the repressive function: as the vision of the author learning possesss this function, since the professor works with clear limits and the school is a permeado space of limits (the use of uniforms, schedules, programming of pedagogical tasks etc.) Moreover, does not have space for the full expression of the desire to learn because, most of the time, the activities are collective and a citizen represents the limit of the other. In the transforming function: here it is here the element of dichotomy of the functions of the learning, therefore, at the same time where it possesss the function of the maintenance of the culture (function socializadora) and to delimit the citizen (repressora function), the learning has the function to free the man from the knowledge and, for consequence, to transform the society. These functions determined for the author show as the learning process functions and that the absence of one of the functions can affect in what we determine of learning difficulties. It is portraying this importance that if the same emphasizes the proposal of development of the knowledge and joint of for the learning by means of games and tricks. 1.2 The theories and playing Playing in the learning is not a methodology, but a strategy for the development of education.

Many researchers believe that the trick, that is, the interaction can relieve good fruits. The stimulation is born by means of the games and of the interpersonal contact between ' ' professor and aluno' '. This pedagogical structure unchains the formation of construtivistas concepts, therefore they adhere to the ideologies piagetiana. In accordance with the periods of training of the development in relation the proposal of playing as proposal in the pertaining to school activity Piaget affirms: The game is, therefore, under its two essential forms of exercise sensrio-engine and symbolism, an assimilation of the Real to the proper activity, supplying to this its necessary food and transforming the Real into function of the multiple necessities of I.

The Main

' ' For the intent reader (…) the man of the subsoil offers more than what the shady negation of the project of the Iluminismo. The main contradiction, that one that worries the man of the subsoil and is the source of its impious and paralisante dialectic, says respect to liberdade' '. (HIBBS, 2003 p.183). What we will make then of these millions of facts that certify the men, having even so perfect conscience of its interest, they relegate it as the plain one and they enveredam for a different, total full way of risks of acasos? They are not, however, forced to this; but it seems that they necessarily want to prevent the road that if it indicated to them, to trace freely, capriciously, one reconhecvel, badly obscure other, full of difficulties, absurd. It is that this freedom possesss its eyes more attractive than its proper interests? The interest! What is the interest? It pledge themselves in me to define with all the exactness where consist the interest of the man? That you will say you if a beautiful day if comes to discover that the human interest, in certain cases, it can or same it must consist of desiring not an advantage, but one badly? If it is thus, if this in case that if it can present, then everything pulls down.

What you think of this? Such in case that it can be presented? (DOSTOIVSKI, 2000) With license! We go explaining in them; it is not with games of words that if can clarify the question. What it makes the singularity of this thing, this interest, is that it destroys all our classifications and modifies all the systems built for the friends of the human sort for the happiness of the man. In a word, it is a embarrassment, an obstacle. But, before you pointing this thing, I want to commit itself personally, and I affirm then with altivez that all these beautiful systems, that all these theories that intend to explain the humanity where that they consist its normal interests, so that it if virtuous and soon noble lathe in its effort to reach said interests, declare that everything this does not pass of logistic.


All we have almost gone of small to a factory of these characteristics, nevertheless, our proposal is invitarte that you attend with all your family. Of this form, it will be easier that your son or daughter is interested in the own one culture, since, after each factory, conversations about the realised activities that will serve as motivating agent for him or it will arise from natural form. It prepares a celebration for your children, the friendly of your children and their grandparents In the primitive societies, it was habitual custom to consider the grandparents as the wise people of the tribe and consulted themselves to them like experts to solve infinity of problems. Nowadays, this custom is had to a great extent lost, although for the majority of the grandsons, their grandparents are the best ones. He takes advantage of the special bond that unites to your children with its grandparents, to organize a celebration to which their friendly, accompanied of their grandparents and grandmothers go.

He asks the grandparents who count histories of when they were small, that teach to games and traditional dances to them. This form, your children will know a little better the traditional culture and will develop the love by her. He goes with your family to assemblies and debates Often we took to our children to meetings in which problems appear that are necessary to solve in our neighbor community. The certain thing is that it usually we do because we do not have with who to leave them. Why instead of to do this we did not animate them to take an active paper in the meeting? If it is something likes any boy, girl or adolescent is that they treat like an adult, and this can be a perfect form to do it. It animates to your son that it listens to the problems that are exposed in this type of meetings and invtalo to contribute to solutions and ideas.

Pedagogical Instrument

Therefore, in the playful activity, what it matters is not only the product of the activity that of it results, but the proper action, fancy moments that they are transformed into reality, moments of perception, knowledge, moments of life. This game also allows the sprouting of the affectivity whose territory is of the feelings, the passions, of the emotions, for where fears, sufferings, interests and joys transit. An educative relation that the knowledge of proper feelings estimates and other people’s that require of the educator a deeper attention and an interest in wanting to know more and to coexist the pupil; the affective envolvement, as well as the cognitivo of all the creativity process that involves citizen-to be child (ALMEIDA, 2006). Thus being, the project will follow with the construction of toys, games and the practical one of cantigas of wheels that will become gifts in the infantile education in such a way, as well as, in CI 1 Year enclosing all the pupils propitiating a significant, pleasant learning and stimulant. Uniting practical educative with the proposal of the playful one, becoming the school a glad and receptive space favoring the welfare of the individual and its affective, cognitiva formation social e. To provide to the child a constant learning that involves diverse playful activities as cantigas of wheel; creation of toys and games. Contributing for the formation of the pupil as a whole.

General objective To provide to the child a constant learning that involves diverse playful with cantigas of wheel, creation of toys and games. Contributing for the formation of the pupil as a whole. Objectives Specific – To develop abilities through the construction of toys; – to relate to play and to learn; – to stimulate the habit and the taste for the playful one; – to favor the interaction of the pupils, from the construction of games; – to rescue cantigas of wheel. Methodology the form of appreciation of the project will give from the collective production of toys, entoao of cantigas of wheel, CDs, DVDs, confection of games, etc. Stipulated for each group and with a culminncia in the end of the project. Evaluation To collect, to analyze and to synthecize of objective form all and any manifestation of cognitivas, affective and psicomotoras behaviors that lead the efetivao of its learning. As well as, to ahead characterize and to direct educating, in case that it has reached satisfactory income, of the activities the proposals.

Necessary Change Towards

The necessary change towards the social altruism is not by chance that we have been created like social beings. If we observed deeply our behavior, we will find that each action that we realised is directed to be attracted the social esteem. That is what it sustains to us, and its absence or, worse, the denunciation of the society, causes the greater suffering to us. To feel shame by this indifference or social contempt, is most terrible than a person can experiment, and for that reason we tend to tolerate it and to foment it through the social values like exercise of the power of our ego on the others. Therefore, if we changed the values of the social atmosphere in which we lived, attracting altruistic values such as the preoccupation by the others, sharing, and the mutual union, we will be able then to change our attitudes towards them.

When the society only values to the person by its behavior or dedication to the society, all necessarily we will strive in thinking and acting in favor of the same. If we eliminated the awards that we give the individual excellence, and we would only appreciate to people by its social preoccupation, if the children judged to their parents by these standards, if the friendly, relatives, and colleagues only examined to us according to how or we were related to the others, then we would want to make or to all to gain the esteem to us of the society. Thus, gradually we will get to feel that to express this altruism or generosity towards the others it is a special value and he sublimates in itself, besides the social recognition that grants. We will find that this attitude is in fact the source of the perfect and limitless pleasure; the integral law of the nature, that all contrala and sustains.

Baldassi Rosary

The Opening was decided. In the Mouth and Rosary. Banfield visited Mouth with the illusion in flames before the possibility of securing the first title in its history. Newell" s, two points behind Taladro, received to San Lorenzo in a Colossus of the filled Park. Anxiety and distresses in the waiting room of the absolute happiness or the deepest sadness. Expensive what would show the currency? Banfield counted on the first advantage of afternoon, minim but advantage to the aim. To the Baldassi 17:19 the beginning in Rosary tooted and Endorsement later did five minutes in the Chocolate box. Those of Julio Caesar Falcioni played with delay minimum for the speculation.

Although something is something. The 4,500 fanatics of Banfield who filled the third tray of the Chocolate box exploded in a shout when from Rosary arrived the most awaited news. San Lorenzo played and Newell&quot better; s gave many advantage in defense, without its captain Rolando Schiavi, absent by injury. For that reason to the 8, Bordagaray put in the area, it lowered it to Insaurralde and Baldassi did not doubt: penitentiary. The Kily Gonzlez accommodated the ball took race and removed violent zurdazo cruzado. Sebastin Peratta worsened all senses was thrown on its left and avoided the goal with manotazo.

The celebration traveled 300 kilometers and now those were those of the Leprosy that embraced. Nevertheless the relief of Newell&quot lasted little; s, because the moving Bordagaray dominated pelotazo of Migliore to the 10. One put in the area by left. It hooked and it left in the way to Insaurralde. It ended of right, to place and the ball nailed in the left angle of an impotent Peratta. Again in the Mouth Taladro saw as its dream every time were more concrete. Nevertheless, also he was ephemeral. Because Barraza stuck patadn to him in the chest to Gaitn and Abal acquired the maximum pain without objections.

Classification Of The Toys

Classification of the toys In pedagogical and psychological science they have existed varied criteria to classify the toys, which is very related to the assumed theoretical position. In this sense one is between the first classification of Bhler, for that the toys could be designated in three types: – Toys projected for the movement and the provision of activity motorboat, with view to the muscular development. – Toys adapted for the constructive and creative game, whose phase indicates the beginning of the conquest of the boy of the materials that surround to him. – Toys that are lent to the dramatic action, the fiction, and the imitative game and enable to the boy or girl to penetrate in the world of the fantasy. This classification of Bhler, apparently so simple and little updated for this time, has underlying an approach that seen under the light of an analysis again type, offers interesting edges to consider, something that are had to retake when the relation of the toy with the stimulation of intelligences is valued. J.

Piaget establishes a classification of games and toys already mentioned at the beginning of this material, that is very organic and consequent with its theory of the development of the knowledge, reason why reinforces the approach towards the intellectual sphere. Classifications exist that talk about the chronological ages, relating a series of appropriate toys for a certain stage of the development, and it is spoken toys for suckling babies that, for children of early age, those of pre-school age. This type of classification has many limitations, because as already said previously, the age only can constitute a guide, being more important to evaluate the processes and psychic properties that in a while determined of the development are promoted and stimulated by a given type of toys.