The popular wisdom teaches in them that all history has three sides: of a side, of the opposing side and the true one. The curious one is that throughout the life, to the few, we go proving the veracity of this principle. I, for example, during more than three decades work with sales and, not rare, when questioning a salesman the reason of the negotiation not to have been materialize, hear so convincing explanation that I arrive to believe in its veracity. From there, I thank e, aparetemente, I give myself for satisfied with the justification. However, it bothers something me and I decide then to contact the customer to know the reason for which it did not buy e, for my surprise, I discover one another well different version of that the salesman disclosed. From there, I go the search of the manager of the area to know what, in fact, it had and the explanation of it short while shows a different version of the two previous ones. thus, happens with the other areas of the life.
How many times we hear the first stories of a history and we give in them for vain and when we check ' ' another side of same histria' ' , we move total of opinion. Therefore, not to hurry the decision can be a good attitude to be adopted by who desires to prevent errors of judgment. It is truth, as it discloses dictated other popular, that ' ' ugly son does not have pai' '. However, nor always, as it can seem to a less experienced leader, the explanation of the parts has as objective main to hide, to ludibriar or to distort the facts, in order ' ' to exempt its cara' ' to get advantage for itself or for they outrem. In good part of the occasions, the people only tell the facts based on its knowledge, that is the lens for which they enxergam the reality of the facts.