In previous chances already we argue the important changes that had in recent years modified the relationship between customers and companies, with special emphasis for the increasing awareness with regard to its rights. In this scene it is important that the employees who act directly in the relationship with the customer are prepared to use to advantage the chances that they appear during the process of attendance to the customer to close the sales, or any another question that is being negotiated. fit Lady Stepper. A strategy very interesting and adjusted is to persuade the customer, what Robert Cialdine de Poder of the Persuasion is called by the American Psychologist, a set of 6 principles that can be adopted in set, or separately in accordance with the development of the negotiation. The first and more important principle is of the reciprocity. The base of this principle is to use to advantage the moments where you make something in special for the customer, surprises who it or that she is above of its expectations. A classic example is the installment of a service of maintenance of emergency during the dawn, or in the end of week, to save the delivery that the plant has that to effect in the following day. How many times when finishing the service its customer already said to it: ' ' I do not have as to be thankful to it, without its attention we would be lost …….
' ' you use that old phrase: ' ' he was not nothing, this is ours trabalho' '. In our optics you lost an excellent chance to consider to the customer a permanent contract of maintenance, or to offer that machine that the maintenance time reduces and would propitiate you lucrative sales. In synthesis, you it left to use a chance where the customer was with the sensation to be in debit with you, therefore she is known that the people do not like to have favors.