Guillermo Ximenis / actor is rolling as the protagonist World War Z, a new twist on the genre of the undead. Brad Pitt has moved to Glasgow, the filming location, with his family. Actor Brad Pitt has launched the fashion of zombies with the World War Z movie, which has become the center of the Scottish city of Glasgow in scenario of a fictional world war that pits humans against undead. The usually calm life of Glasgow has been trastocada with the presence of one of the most famous couples in Hollywood, actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, accompanied by her six children, – Vivienne, Shiloh, Maddox, Knox, Zahara and Pax. The couple and their offspring arrived Tuesday in Glasgow aboard a train private nine wagons and 450 places rented by Pitt, who resides with his family in a luxurious mansion in a nearby town, during the two weeks of filming in the Scottish city Bishopton. Brad Pitt is the star and producer of the film World War Z, based on a novel of terror of Max Brooks and which embodies an employee Nations that travels the world to try to stop an epidemic of zombies born in China. In total, it is estimated that the production of the film, very Hollywood taste and to be released in late 2012, will cost about 80 million pounds (91 million euros). For the filming of this movie, the center of Glasgow, a city of more than half a million inhabitants, has become a decorated that simulates a large American city.
The traditional British black taxis have been replaced by other yellows, the Red mailboxes have been hidden and traffic lights have been changed by others similar to those used in Philadelphia, one of the main scenarios of the fiction of World War Z. The family of Brad Pitt has spent weeks in London, where they had already have left view on several occasions while they were shopping, but has not been up to Glasgow when they have aroused the fervor of the fans. Since two days ago, the surroundings of George Square, where is great wheel part of the film, they are overcrowded of curious that they roam the area to try to see the actor. Others that come to the square are nearly a thousand people who have been hired as extras in the film by a salary of 120 pounds (140 euros) daily. The actor and producer of 47 years has given the direction of the film to Marc Forster, responsible for, among other titles, Quantum of solace of James Bond, Finding Neverland or the Academy Award winner Monster s Ball.
The original story is about how the living dead spread worldwide after that the Chinese Government is unable to contain an infection of unknown origin, which turns people into zombies. After a chaotic period in which several countries are destroyed between them before the confusion caused by the wave of undead, United States takes the reins of the international community to lead a counterattack against the zombies. Brad Pitt joins with this film to fashion the world Z (zombies films) movies, which have happened to the vampires. Before him, had already signed their contribution to the genre other stars like the actor Bill Murray, who took part in the black comedy Zombieland, or tape the actress Milla Jovovich, who starred in four film saga of Resident Evil, based on the game of horror Resident Evil or Biohazard.