George And Georgia

After desintegracin of the Unin Sovitica almost all the governments of Eastern Europe have turned towards the European Unin and NATO. The exceptions have been Serbia, Bielorrusia and Russia, that, although they have restored Capitalism, an wants to maintain a course different to which the Washingtons or Berln pregonizan. Serbia has been ms isolated despus that recently Montenegro and Kosovo are had separated looking for to him to enter the Euro-zone. Russia has come seeing like its old soviticas ex- dependencies to its west (like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and the Ukraine) turn around the EU. The president of Georgia Saakashvili, on the other hand, has become the greater fan of George Bush in the Cucaso. To Russia him inconforma it and that today this pas is the bridge through which it passes ducto that connects hydrocarbons of the Caspian Sea with the Mediterrneo without happening through its territory and breaking the Russian gasfero monopoly towards Europe.

In order to resist the advance of the USA in its surroundings, Mosc protects to two separatist regions of Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia). These two, like Transdniestria in Moldova, is repblicas independent de facto, although the UN does not recognize to them. Now that the West accepts soberana of Kosovo, Russia wanted to ask that these nations tambin have the right to autodeterminacin. In Serbia George Bush impuls escicin of Kosovo, whereas in Georgia does the opposite thing. The today is incapable to send troops to aid to its ally, but it needs to avoid that Saakashvili is overthrown and that the Russian military offensive is ” contenida” without ms climbs.

Middle English

Over 150 years after the 1066 French, or rather its Norman and pikardsky dialects actively made their rules and vocabulary in English. Later, when the Anjou empire has expanded its border, in English, and influenced other dialects. To a greater extent than others, used the Parisian dialect (also called tsentralnofrantsuzskim dialect). To date, in English there are many words borrowed into French (regard – respect, warrant, guarantee – guarantee, catch – catch" and many others). Since 1024 the power of the Capetian dynasty grew, and Parisian dialect began to prevail over all others in English. Over the past three millennia in the English literature, there are three languages: English, French and Latin. Century from 1154 called "dangerous age". At this time, Britain could completely disappear as a single state.

In 1362 the first time in the history of England was formed by the parliament, meeting in which we have conducted in English. And at this time English writer Chaucer began to create their works in English. Modern English has words Romance and Germanic origin. During the early New England tongue occur in the xv century. While in English literature has been stagnant, and language development occurred rapidly. Varied forms of expression, the structure of sentences.

The order of words in the sentence was of great importance, which was not in the ancient and Middle English. Speaking also developed (in the objective case was placed part of the predicate noun). On the origin of printing increased the number of people willing to learn. All these events occurred at a time when the development of the English language has reached stability, and gradually moving toward maturity. With the revival of scholarship in English passed the name of science, the arts (especially theater) and other words from different areas of the Latin language (arithmetic, astronomy, logic, tragedy, Comedy, position, index, memorandum, etc.). In New England during the formation of language, the revival of literature. Literary center of the country was London. And by that time the London dialect became the major dialect of England. His platform was east-central dialect, it spoke not only in London itself, but also in all the populated areas of the country. This dialect is used for communication at Oxford and Cambridge. From the middle of the xvii century, a period of maturity of the English language. English has become stable. In 1662 Royal Society of London was created by a committee that worked on fixing the language and protect it from any changes. Jonathan Swift was one of the members of this committee. He developed a "Proposal for correcting, improving and consolidating the English language." However, when in 1714 Britain bade farewell to the Queen Anne, and all committee members were barred from authorities, the work of Swift has remained unheeded. When in 1755 Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary of English, he left the question of changes and improvements in language open. Since then there have been many historical events, influenced the development of the English language. However, it remained almost unchanged for several centuries, and so we can hear it now.

Emotional Intelligence

An important feature to have a developed mind, is to exercise emotional intelligence. Read until the end and see the importance that has in our lives and how to develop it in a fast and easy way. We will therefore A length of time, the researchers had the belief that people could only achieve their goals and develop fully, was exercising and reaching a high IQ. Today IQ is called IQ, is to made famous since the IQ level determines that each person mainly by measuring their level of logical analysis and other similar fields is so wise. On the other hand we talk about emotional intelligence, the ability of a person perceive and understand the emotions of others as also the of if same.

Emotional intelligence is very important since it determines the ability of a person to make use of its resources properly. Current discoveries of the University of London England, suggest that emotional intelligence, is also extremely important for the development of memory and motor of many activities of the people. Hence the importance of doing memory exercises aimed at developing this vital intelligence. Below and share some technical exercises for memory that will help you develop your emotional intelligence. 1 Shows respect for others this exercise in emotional intelligence helps you improve your social interaction. You could say that it is based on the famous proverb do not do what you do not like that you do. Until you do an action, remember you’re not the only one with emotions.

It believes that your actions may affect third parties. 2 Choose people to your around you should be careful when you choose that people want to share your moments. This exercise for memory allows you to make sure you’re in tune with your ideals and tastes. You will be able to surround yourself with people who like you, care them and they respect their emotions. 3 Responsible for you of your very important emotions. You leave thinking that the other person is to blame for that you are sad or such and that thing has happened to you. You must understand that you are responsible at all times for your emotions. This does not mean that you can not have sad moments, but simply accept them as what they are, and not try to blame another for your current status. . So which as it happens with other types of intelligence, there are people who lack emotional intelligence, and others that seem to have integrated this intelligence, giving them the ability to integrate and relate to people and life easily from children. Now you have the possibility to develop your emotional intelligence only continuously practicing the appropriate exercises for memory. These are some exercises of emotional intelligence that you can put into practice from now on to develop it.