Classification of the toys In pedagogical and psychological science they have existed varied criteria to classify the toys, which is very related to the assumed theoretical position. In this sense one is between the first classification of Bhler, for that the toys could be designated in three types: – Toys projected for the movement and the provision of activity motorboat, with view to the muscular development. – Toys adapted for the constructive and creative game, whose phase indicates the beginning of the conquest of the boy of the materials that surround to him. – Toys that are lent to the dramatic action, the fiction, and the imitative game and enable to the boy or girl to penetrate in the world of the fantasy. This classification of Bhler, apparently so simple and little updated for this time, has underlying an approach that seen under the light of an analysis again type, offers interesting edges to consider, something that are had to retake when the relation of the toy with the stimulation of intelligences is valued. J.
Piaget establishes a classification of games and toys already mentioned at the beginning of this material, that is very organic and consequent with its theory of the development of the knowledge, reason why reinforces the approach towards the intellectual sphere. Classifications exist that talk about the chronological ages, relating a series of appropriate toys for a certain stage of the development, and it is spoken toys for suckling babies that, for children of early age, those of pre-school age. This type of classification has many limitations, because as already said previously, the age only can constitute a guide, being more important to evaluate the processes and psychic properties that in a while determined of the development are promoted and stimulated by a given type of toys.