To do this, the importance of part of those involved in the change, especially management, is give way to creation, development of an attitude and open-minded to change a culture that allows host good initiatives, as well as disposing of the bad. Organizational changes should not be left to chance, or to the inertia of habit, less improvisation, must be planned properly. Be considered as comment Alejandro Reyes and Jose angel Velasquez, that many times people are not committed to change because they don’t know what will happen. Not knowing how to act. To reason that what’s new is not something defined, therefore, a way to defend themselves against the unknown is holding on what is known and, consequently denying what’s new. Here, that a process of change occurs in a way very efficient if all are committed to him.
Run in both so people committed, these not can be over by the process, as if they were something alien to the same. In truth, the change happens through people. And to consider people as part of the process of change is necessary to know their values, their beliefs, their behaviors. Opinions to consider there are many scholars of administrative science that have contributed information on the important topic, but to complement this writing have regarded indicating Gram. Wilson, that for any organization being able to respond to changes should be aware of everything that happens to your around, so it is vital to listen to its customers, carefully observe their competitors and monitor markets in depth, providing to it the necessary means to interpret the information that this produces; However, decision making could be affected if the people responsible for different processes shows desmotivada, works at low yield or not focusing on the things in an appropriate manner, a situation that can be corrected through the implementation of high motivation schemes such as the teams of homing Parlad on the subject provides, that the strategy to use is nothing more than the Revolution itself and, as such, is not always well appreciated or used by own administrators and managers, for which cites as an example that in the majority of organizationsgood part of managers resist negatively the process of changes, while people located in other levels and closer to new technologies, customers and competitors can help significantly in the formulation of corporate strategy, shaping an amalgam of visions that favors the idea of consensus with it and favour the Conclusion changes organizational changes should not be left to chanceor the inertia of habit, less to improvisation, they must be properly plan. Venezuelan management should know to diagnose the effects that can generate changes and how You must enfrentar be you that persons involved in the give the possibility to generate the expected responses and to avoid to the maximum resistance to change that is not conducive to the Organization, nor to the same people.
Management can avail themselves of the contributions that bequeathed organizational development, who cares about knowing and systematize the behaviors of people to confront and manage in better shape changes and overcome the resistance that causes in people and in coexisting groups. Bibliography Beckhard r. (1992) Changing the Essence: the Art of Creating and Leading Fundamental Change in Organizations. San Francisco; London: Jossey-Bass. -Brooks e. (1980) Organizational Change. The Managerial Dilemma. London: The MacMillan Press Ltd. -Notes of organizational behavior Professor, program management of the quality and productivity of the postgraduate Area of Faces.UC original author and source of the article.