Remembering that a constitution of the State is strong and durable if the conveniences they are observed, the natural relations and the laws falling again always into set and being jousts. In it I capitulate Twelve Rosseau weaves commentaries on the division of the laws, where according to it a four relation exists types of laws and that the laws that conduct this relation more nothing are that ' ' laws polticas' '. The third book is presented in 18 chapters, where the author approaches the diverse forms of government (P. 81-132) and its main questions. In the first one I capitulate of this book the author generalizes the government concept detaching its causes ' ' moral and Fisica' ' , and that government nothing more is that a bridge, established between the subjects and the sovereign, for a reciprocal correspondence, in which it starts to be responsible of the execution of the laws and the guarantee of the civil freedom and the politics.
It still makes prominence to the legislative that according to author belongs to the people and not it plus nobody. In as the chapter it comments as the diverse forms of governments are corporate, and that as our author tells in (pg. 88), that the government always if weakens to the mediated one where if increases the magistrates, but if the people will be more numerous greater will be the repressora force. From there according to author ' ' the more the State grows, more the government must be restricted in the ratio: to diminish the heads in reason of the increase of povo.' ' It follows in this chapter the three sequncia of it I capitulate two, that is the division of the government, in this chapter however will show as if it must be made this division. It detaches in this I capitulate the Democratic form of government, where the sovereign delegates the function of the government all the people or its bigger part, also he can opt to the Aristocratic form, restricted the control of the government at the hands of some few or still to be with the Monarchic form, concentrating all the power in the hand of an only magistrate.