Middle English

Over 150 years after the 1066 French, or rather its Norman and pikardsky dialects actively made their rules and vocabulary in English. Later, when the Anjou empire has expanded its border, in English, and influenced other dialects. To a greater extent than others, used the Parisian dialect (also called tsentralnofrantsuzskim dialect). To date, in English there are many words borrowed into French (regard – respect, warrant, guarantee – guarantee, catch – catch" and many others). Since 1024 the power of the Capetian dynasty grew, and Parisian dialect began to prevail over all others in English. Over the past three millennia in the English literature, there are three languages: English, French and Latin. Century from 1154 called "dangerous age". At this time, Britain could completely disappear as a single state.

In 1362 the first time in the history of England was formed by the parliament, meeting in which we have conducted in English. And at this time English writer Chaucer began to create their works in English. Modern English has words Romance and Germanic origin. During the early New England tongue occur in the xv century. While in English literature has been stagnant, and language development occurred rapidly. Varied forms of expression, the structure of sentences.

The order of words in the sentence was of great importance, which was not in the ancient and Middle English. Speaking also developed (in the objective case was placed part of the predicate noun). On the origin of printing increased the number of people willing to learn. All these events occurred at a time when the development of the English language has reached stability, and gradually moving toward maturity. With the revival of scholarship in English passed the name of science, the arts (especially theater) and other words from different areas of the Latin language (arithmetic, astronomy, logic, tragedy, Comedy, position, index, memorandum, etc.). In New England during the formation of language, the revival of literature. Literary center of the country was London. And by that time the London dialect became the major dialect of England. His platform was east-central dialect, it spoke not only in London itself, but also in all the populated areas of the country. This dialect is used for communication at Oxford and Cambridge. From the middle of the xvii century, a period of maturity of the English language. English has become stable. In 1662 Royal Society of London was created by a committee that worked on fixing the language and protect it from any changes. Jonathan Swift was one of the members of this committee. He developed a "Proposal for correcting, improving and consolidating the English language." However, when in 1714 Britain bade farewell to the Queen Anne, and all committee members were barred from authorities, the work of Swift has remained unheeded. When in 1755 Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary of English, he left the question of changes and improvements in language open. Since then there have been many historical events, influenced the development of the English language. However, it remained almost unchanged for several centuries, and so we can hear it now.

New England

Over 150 years after the 1066 French, or rather its Norman and dialects pikardsky actively contributed its own rules and vocabulary in English. Later, when the Anjou empire has expanded its border, in English, and influenced other dialects. To a greater extent than others, used the Parisian dialect (also called tsentralnofrantsuzskim dialect). To date, in English there are many words borrowed into French (regard – respect, warrant, guarantee – guarantee, catch – catch” and many others). Since 1024 the power of the Capetian dynasty grew, and Parisian dialect began to prevail over all others in English. Over the past three millennia in the English literature there are three languages: English, French and Latin. A century from 1154 called “dangerous age.” At this time, Britain could disappear as a single state. In 1362, the first time in the history of England was formed by the parliament, which held meetings in the English language.

And at that time English writer Chaucer began to create their works in English. Modern English is one of the words of Romance and Germanic origin. During the early New England tongue occur in the XV century. While in the English literature has been stagnant, and language development occurred rapidly. Varied forms of words, the structure of sentences.

The order of words in the sentence was of great importance, which was not in Old and Middle English. Speaking also developed (in the objective case was placed part of the nominal predicate). On the origins of printing increased the number of people willing to learn. All these events occurred at a time when the development of the English language has reached stability, and moved gradually to maturity. With the revival of learning in English passed the name of science, the arts (especially theater arts) and other words from different areas of the Latin language (arithmetic, astronomy, logic, tragedy, Comedy, position, index, memorandum, etc.). During the formation of New England language, the revival of literature. Literary center of the country was in London. And by that time the London dialect became the main dialect of England. His platform was east-central dialect, spoken by him not only in London but also in all the populated areas of the country. This dialect is used for communication at Oxford and Cambridge. From the middle of XVII century, a period of maturity of the English language. English has become stable. In 1662, the Royal Society of London was created by a committee that worked on fixing the language and protect it from any changes. Jonathan Swift was one of the members of this committee. He developed a “Proposal for correcting, improving and consolidating the English language.” However, when in 1714 Britain took leave with the Queen Anne, and all committee members were barred from authorities, the work of Swift left unattended. When in 1755 Samuel Johnson compiled a dictionary of the English language, he left the question of changes and improvements in language open. Since then there have been many historical events, influenced the development of the English language. However, it remained almost unchanged for several centuries, and so we can hear it now.

David Suzuki

George Gurdjieff also said that our personal salvation, the welfare of mankind and the evolution of the Earth and solar system closely connected with each other in the general transformation, which determines the existence of the world. I allow myself to assume that the radiation frequency can be picked up by the people in outer space planets, including Sun and Lunoy.Ya also believe that during his life, people with low spiritual culture of the law of critical mass may have a negative impact not only on human society, but also on the pulsation frequency of the Earth. Today, the press gets the information that many states have powerful low-frequency setting that can affect the frequency ripple effects of heavy-duty Zemli.Pri set to a frequency pulse of the earth according to some scientists may change direction magnetic field Zemli.To is, go north to the south and naoborot.Predpolagaetsya that a change in the direction of Earth’s magnetic field may change direction Zemli.Neobhodimo prohibit not only the underground nuclear tests, but also super-low-frequency setting, which can act on the magnetic field and pulsation frequency of the Earth. Also, there is evidence that a group of Canadian researchers led by David Suzuki, constantly observe the Sun, in 1950 witnessed an unknown phenomenon: the spiral light burst from the sun and passed close to Earth. This phenomenon, according to the researchers, led to increased swing axle Earth. Deviation increased and the return of the axis to its original position zamedlilsya.Kanadskie researchers argue that these changes can also lead to a shift in the Earth’s poles.


In the USSR, the teacher called the employee in charge of teaching and educating on the communist rules and fundamentals. In pre-revolutionary period, teachers were divided into "social classes", as well as society as a whole, and is determined by the position of their "tops" of power. People considered the lowest stage of the teacher as the next layer, whose education he was involved – farmers and workers. In this popular teacher enjoyed great respect and understanding of this layer. Due to the fact that the popular teacher to support the revolutionary option in the community and help them to promote, but also sought to influence the direction of work and relationships with students, Government tightens control over their activities, while school teachers enjoy their privileges.

The government sought to turn them into "my right arm" for their purposes. After the October Revolution the Soviet government and its policies have been supported by the teachers. The reform of public education teachers promised prerevolutionary democracy and open space activities. VI Lenin in 1918 demanded of teachers due to the promotion of the socialist mindset of the masses. After nearly 60 years, the number of teachers increased about 10 times, if by 1914 the number of teachers amounted to 280 000 people, then it becomes the next – 2700 thousand people.

Teachers have become one of the most powerful political "promoters" in their work they are actively spreading among the masses and political commitment ideas. The process of learning is also actively improved with socialist orientation. Compared with the pre-revolutionary period, when the ordinary teachers "kept a tight rein," the Soviet Government changes to the root of everything. Teachers are provided a variety of socially significant benefits, namely flat (for rural teachers), periodic wage increases every year given paid holidays (48 days), etc.

Education In Britain: How To Get The Best Education In The World

Studying in the UK attracts thousands of people around the world for its rich history, the glory of the best universities and virtually unlimited capacity for self-development. Those who have dreams to send their children to British university (and except for Cambridge and Oxford here is more than a dozen prominent academic institutions) are often advised to start with the school. Indeed, the training delivered in the UK so that the foreign (especially Russian) certificates are not recognized as sufficient for admission, and each candidate must undergo special training. At the same time universities are still the best distrustful of this coming and prefer to give place to those who have mastered the traditional British program of secondary education. Meanwhile, the most prestigious schools willing to offer training in the UK for foreign students.

Of course, for admission will have to overcome a number of difficult entrance examinations, since the competition in such institutions invariably high. Striving to be trained in the UK somewhere, but one of Europe's oldest schools, must be prepared for the fact that a lot of places claim to able and gifted children. So start taking applications for several years before studying in the UK, and the extreme Deadline coming for a year or two before the entrance exams. Of course, there are less famous schools in which the quality of education is maintained at a very high level. To obtain an objective assessment of need consult with the advisory agency and become familiar with school rankings, the annual report major British newspapers.

This will help determine where best to receive training in Britain, which documents and in what time frame must be drawn up. As a rule, schools organize not only the written test, but also conduct a series of interviews. This allows the admissions committee to see the strengths and weaknesses the child but at the same time, requires a lot of stress coming from. And another important point that you need to know – every prestigious school grants and scholarships in the UK, which can claim the most able pupils. For them to a separate exam, and if they survive, they can not only get a discount for education, but in some cases, receive training in the UK completely free of charge.

Great Britain

The solemn face of this adorable bloodhound contradicts its enduring nature. Reliable companion of hunting, is also a delicious mascot for the families with small children. The majority of the races basset is original of France (you go means " abajo" in French), but basset hound was developed in Great Britain hardly one hundred years ago. By its ability to concentrate itself in a scent in particular the respect of the hunters has gained. It has short legs and massive, with you fold loose of skin.

The body is robust and with barrel form. The color of the hair can be a combination of target with toasting, black and lemon. The long ears are velvety. It has good character and he is amiable with the children. It can be blinded and it is difficult to train for the basic coexistence. Polished: It does not lose much hair and he is smooth and short.

Cepllelo with brush of hard bristles and belo with shampoo dry only when it is necessary. It is important to clean the ears weekly to him. Ejercitacin and feeding: With long walks regular short it will be matendr healthful. It is recommended not to let to him jump nor force its front legs. It does not have special exigencies of feeding, with a commercial diet as the croquettes are sufficient. It does not overfeed it, raising extra weight will be too much load for its legs and column. In order to avoid swelling of stomach, srvale two or three small portions of food per day. Health: This race suffers of stomach swelling, problems of vertebrae, glaucoma and cutaneous infections. Their long ears are prone to become infected. Temperament: Juguetn, amiable and loyal. Excellent for active-regular people, it needs regular smooth activity. Taken care of of image: Minimums. If we want to weekly have it presentable important its cleaning of ears. Articles as you can find this one them in Fauna. Original author and source of the article.

Education In The US And The UK

More recently, study abroad can afford a few away for training because it was virtually impossible. Today, study abroad – above all, expanding horizons and getting high quality education. A large number of students who received a prestigious education are more likely to receive the prestigious position when applying for a job with other things being equal. Education in the United States. In United States has no unified state system of education and strict standards for educational institutions.

Each state determines its structure and volume of the system. The education system in America is divided into several levels: 1. Primary. 2. Average. 3. Higher.

4. Postgraduate. All the schools are divided into private and public. In public schools, education is free, and public colleges and universities is paid. In addition to public schools in the U.S. has a large number of private schools with an enrollment of more than 15% of the students. Private schools are usually maintained by fees. Education in these schools is worth more than $ 2000 a year and allow currently can only wealthy citizens. Most students of these schools have become diplomats, officials and leaders. The advantage of learning in the U.S. are good modern material resources and well organized educational and scientific processes. In addition, students have the opportunity to earn their own learning, combining work with study. Education in England. The English education system has evolved over the decades and is considered one of the best in the world. Education is compulsory for all, without exception, under the age of 16 years. In England there are private and state education systems that exist together. The education system in England is divided into several stages: 1. Preschool, which has no binding status. 2. Primary. 3. Average. 4. Professional. 5. Higher. In the UK, as in the United States, There are public schools (free) and private (paid), attended by up to 10% of the students. Leading positions in the education system occupy private schools in England differing better training. Just wide widely boarding schools in which students live at school. Rankings of schools, usually determined by the results of examinations GCSE and A-Level graduates, to which I look for when choosing a school. Advantages Education in the UK is the high level of teaching. Austere atmosphere of private schools and boarding schools do not detract from the study subjects, creating a desire to reach higher goals and the formation of determination. Also studying in England will find friends from abroad. Students who want to get a prestigious education abroad must have a good level of English. Most schools offer language support, a small period in a dedicated training center, helping to acclimate to life in an institution, making the approach to learning easier.

Industrial Revolution

We divide the group in five teams where each one was responsible for one sub–subject of the didactic book on it I capitulate 43: The Industrial Revolution. The sub-subjects had been: 1 the bourgeoisie enriches, 2 the pioneirismo of England, 3 the revolution of the machine the vapor, 4 the situation of the diligent classroom, 5 the reaction of the workers and 6 the socialism and the fight against the capitalism. After the division of the teams and its respective contents to be worked we were for the laboratory of computer science in search to deepen our knowledge through the virtual research, since, we find viable to work not only with the didactic book, but, with more sources and resources, in the case the Internet. All the pupils had worked of active form to conclude the respective research and the division of contents to be explained in the posterior lesson in form of seminaries. The teams had obtained good research and good sources, beyond to look for to apply creative methodologies for the presentation. The presentation of the teams was very well elaborated and applied per item in the date of 24/11/2011, being that all had participated of form that, we little need to intervene, seen the deepening in the research and the reading made for the pupils, (clearly that we also had some pupils with a lesser nimbleness in the orality, however, what we could perceive was a joint effort of the teams in favor of the conclusion and presentation of the activity). All the teams if had presented in the two lessons, and finally, we made ours consideraes and we place some curiosidades on the revolution thus finishing the penultimate day of regency with the group. 4.4 – The French Revolution Ours I finish day of regency was in the date of 01/12/2011, where we start to work it I capitulate 45: The French Revolution. ation regarding this issue.

The Theories

In the repressive function: as the vision of the author learning possesss this function, since the professor works with clear limits and the school is a permeado space of limits (the use of uniforms, schedules, programming of pedagogical tasks etc.) Moreover, does not have space for the full expression of the desire to learn because, most of the time, the activities are collective and a citizen represents the limit of the other. In the transforming function: here it is here the element of dichotomy of the functions of the learning, therefore, at the same time where it possesss the function of the maintenance of the culture (function socializadora) and to delimit the citizen (repressora function), the learning has the function to free the man from the knowledge and, for consequence, to transform the society. These functions determined for the author show as the learning process functions and that the absence of one of the functions can affect in what we determine of learning difficulties. It is portraying this importance that if the same emphasizes the proposal of development of the knowledge and joint of for the learning by means of games and tricks. 1.2 The theories and playing Playing in the learning is not a methodology, but a strategy for the development of education.

Many researchers believe that the trick, that is, the interaction can relieve good fruits. The stimulation is born by means of the games and of the interpersonal contact between ' ' professor and aluno' '. This pedagogical structure unchains the formation of construtivistas concepts, therefore they adhere to the ideologies piagetiana. In accordance with the periods of training of the development in relation the proposal of playing as proposal in the pertaining to school activity Piaget affirms: The game is, therefore, under its two essential forms of exercise sensrio-engine and symbolism, an assimilation of the Real to the proper activity, supplying to this its necessary food and transforming the Real into function of the multiple necessities of I.


All we have almost gone of small to a factory of these characteristics, nevertheless, our proposal is invitarte that you attend with all your family. Of this form, it will be easier that your son or daughter is interested in the own one culture, since, after each factory, conversations about the realised activities that will serve as motivating agent for him or it will arise from natural form. It prepares a celebration for your children, the friendly of your children and their grandparents In the primitive societies, it was habitual custom to consider the grandparents as the wise people of the tribe and consulted themselves to them like experts to solve infinity of problems. Nowadays, this custom is had to a great extent lost, although for the majority of the grandsons, their grandparents are the best ones. He takes advantage of the special bond that unites to your children with its grandparents, to organize a celebration to which their friendly, accompanied of their grandparents and grandmothers go.

He asks the grandparents who count histories of when they were small, that teach to games and traditional dances to them. This form, your children will know a little better the traditional culture and will develop the love by her. He goes with your family to assemblies and debates Often we took to our children to meetings in which problems appear that are necessary to solve in our neighbor community. The certain thing is that it usually we do because we do not have with who to leave them. Why instead of to do this we did not animate them to take an active paper in the meeting? If it is something likes any boy, girl or adolescent is that they treat like an adult, and this can be a perfect form to do it. It animates to your son that it listens to the problems that are exposed in this type of meetings and invtalo to contribute to solutions and ideas.