A current guide explains about the correct handling of credit card data on the study of E-commerce in Germany\”of the project E-Commerce Guide that every fifth trader is planning to accept credit cards in the future. However, some basic rules must be observed in the handling of credit card data, which are grouped together in the payment card industry (PCI) data protection standards. The current E-Commerce special describes the requirements and the PCI certification procedure. The misuse of stolen credit card data is a theme which runs at regular intervals by the press. Also in the online trading such scams occur repeatedly, which leads to the uncertainty of the customers and financial losses at the dealers. To strengthen the confidence of consumers in the form of payment credit card, the credit card companies have created common safety standards when dealing with card and transaction data. The payment card industry data security standards, known as PCI, include a set of binding rules for all Parties who process card data, save or forward.
Dealers are here as well including such acquirer, payment service provider (PSP) or providers. Compliance with these rules is not so difficult,\”explains Manfred Kruger, CEO of ConCardis GmbH. installing a firewall on the computer for example, or the use of an anti-virus software kept up-to-date should actually taken for granted? Traders who use certified software in their online shop and can be processed the credit card data from their payment service provider must fill in even just a self information questionnaire (SAQ).\” Merchant compliance with PCI requirements means a hedge against financial losses, in particular by claims of credit card companies. But also the damage to reputation, if the loss of credit card data at a dealer is known, is significant and can cost the existence of an online retailer. Increased data security ultimately higher trust of customers in the form of payment credit card, \”Dr.