Words key: logistic reversa, recycling, environment. ABSTRACT With population growth and consumerism, waste production increased by 25% compared you 18% of the population. Seeing this scenario the world has realized the need you recycle or reuses these materials, which most often end up in landfills and losing its usefulness. And that exacerbates the problem of environmental pollution and the ozone to layer that is affected not only by the pollution of businesses in manufacturing products such the millions of tones dumped into to air from incinerators that we ourselves manufacture. The recycling of PET has been an example you be followed by to other segments of recyclable materials, although it reaches material 78% of the production of raw, it can still grow with the years. However still there ploughs many difficulties you recycle this product a lack of stimulates will be public infrastructure in this process thus ruling out that the private sector alone prosperous and profitable business that is the recycling of PET and plastic.
The reverse logistics was created exactly an alternative you these problems that both affect the survival and the existence of mankind. Even though new logistics area, it already sees plenty of challenges you be faced by the public and private. The first challenge these powers need you take action in this area, which has grown disproportionately you population growth. Key Words: reverse logistics, recyclable, environment. INTRODUCTION the objective of this work is to contribute for the awareness of the recycling and its importance in the current days. It is placed in question how much it is important and necessary the contribution of the people in making already, in its homes the separation of the residues and destination in accordance with its utility and to prevent to play them in the garbage. This subject encloses the questions of the Pet bottles and the plastics you recycle that they are one of dismissable the most harmful ones to the environment.