If there is something that does not matter to change or be lost, is entrepreneurship who once had it and put it into practice, albeit with not entirely positive results. If they wish to try again, reemprendedores schools, in which illustrate them properly in its weaker aspects could be designed. Beforehand, we must not forget that one of the biggest concerns of a recently failed business promoter, lies in how economically save their daily needs, when their sole source of resource generation is extinct. And as we practice with unemployed people who attend courses and workshops of the INEM, first of all must be guaranteed a subsidy during the formation. So that more I calm, the interested party may receive enriching lessons in terms of business strategy, marketing, human resources, communication, financial or production, among others. Analyze the reason of failure with business consultants and draw their own conclusions, so as proposals for improvement based on own experience, which constitute the basis of the future plan. There have certainly been very good ideas that have not proved useful perhaps because his promoter and can be a great connoisseur of the business, has been able to lack both an overview of complementary skills. It may our businessmen from the point of view of training leave much to be desired, but we must not forget what we have.
Only them. And if we allow them to found a commercial society with barely 3,000 euros or even less start to work as freelancers, we who have created the monster, being direct causes of their current misfortunes. We are ethically obliged therefore to help them resume, if this is their wish and demand a new opportunity. We form our businessmen prior to hold them accountable, so that they do not become victims of their ignorance and our tolerance. Although, on this second occasion we must be more cautious, and ensure them adequate training. Courses and first-level entrepreneurship programmes, financed by the administration. Courses for reemprendedores must have a faculty that integrates entrepreneurs in exercise, as well as technical level, generalist lawyers, lawyers, economists, audotires, finance obviously must have educational concerns, whereas via economic remuneration, its work has hardly could compensate.
You must flee temptation to hire as tutors graduates with a low wage costs and a good plug. He has to pretend that students share experiences real and tangible, making professional contacts, and to avoid a new wrong performance generated via social costs precisely how much have wanted us to avoid in the remuneration of the coach. It is ultimately, believing in the project and their potential benefits. We escape gurus eager to expose his theories in all forums that are put to shooting in exchange for a handful of euros. A good friend calls: tell me what das conferences, and I will tell you what you do not know. We go to the real experts, those who daily fall into the arena, and who are willing not only to teach but to continue learning themselves with teaching. Those who find it simply rewarding to explain that success he enjoyed, and that it has cost so much them.