The principle of extra-contractual Civil liability indicates that any person who suffers damage in your (physical) person or their heritage at the hands of another is entitled to receive financial compensation that resarza him by that supported prejudice. This is seen very clearly in the case of attacks by animals belonging to other people, which can be extremely dangerous and unpleasant, and may derive from the same consideration sequels shaped scars, deformities, or even limb amputations. In the worst cases, death himself who is suffering because of injuries could be its last and terrible consequence (for example, if this bite the jugular of the victim). Common causes of this type of events usually behind them gives a certain attitude of passivity and permissiveness by the owners of these animals. Facts such as the possession of exotic or objectively dangerous animals (Cougars, large snakes, crocodiles), something highly regulated in our days (and even banned in many places); or ride of dogs off leash in public places, could trigger anytime the fatal event. Also very often, on the other hand, that will be the owners who, through his own conduct give rise in the animal to a violent nature which may be that, at a given time, resulting in an attack (this happens especially with dogs of certain species, commonly used as vigilant to prevent possible robberies).
How to deal with events of these features? To some extent these events are unpredictable. The mere fact of a walk in a park at the wrong time could become unwitting victim in one of them. On the other hand, are too usual that children who suffer this kind of incidents, especially at the hands of animals belonging to the family or loved ones, in many cases in farms and private enclosures. In any case, prudently stay clear of them will always be the best option, especially if the owner is not fence. The claim for injuries sustained as before we advance, anyone who may suffer some kind of injury because of the attack of an animal belonging to another person is entitled to financial compensation that allows you to view compensated, somewhat, the harm suffered. Between the concepts that could be the subject of compensation, in addition to the physical injury, may be both the loss of revenue for the eventual period of convalescence in situation of sick leave, as well as also possible trauma and moral damage caused to the victim.