Mario Vargas Llosa on Tuesday broke greater classroom of Kings College London to talk about how he sees Latin America. According to him, this is an extension of the West but with its own personality. The greatest merit of the Mexican Revolution was having expanded miscegenation doing that purely indigenous or whites become minorities. For him there is no a single America India because there is much heterogeneity in cultures and pre-Columbian languages; Latin America’s indigenous, European, African and Asian; and its strength is its diversity and be a microcosm of humanity. In it coexist all breeds and historical epochs. Its heritage is to be an amalgam and a vortex of peoples coming from different continents.
According to Vargas Llosa of Latin American borders are artificial and its division is something which has delayed him while the union helped lift North America. Latin America is, paradoxically, laggard in social, political and economic, although internationally advanced in as to art, literature, music and culture. In his vision Latin America has usually been victim of utopian Europeans and their passes destination for finding himself in a way that respects the law, freedom and democracy.