2) Chemical agents – the manipulation and processing of substances derive from cousins they are distinguished: poeiras and fumos; nvoas and fogs; gases and vapors. 3) Biological agents – they are deriving of the manipulation, transformation and modification of beings microscopical livings creature, amongst them: genes, bacteria, fungos, bacilli, parasites, protozorios, virus, and others. The Program of Prevention of Ambient Risks or PPRA is a program commanded for the Norm Regulamentadora NR-9, of the Secretariat of Security and Health of the Work, of the Ministry of the Work. The purpose of the program is to define an action methodology that guarantees the preservation of the health and integrity of the workers face to the existing risks in work environments. Figura1: Methodology and the Stages the Program De Preveno De Ambient Riscos Will have To include the Following Stages: 1.Antecipao and recognition of the risks; 2.Estabelecimento of priorities and goals of evaluation and control; 3.Avaliao of the risks and the exposition of the workers; 4.Implantao of measures of control and evaluation of its effectiveness; 5.Monitoramento of the exposition to the risks; 6.Registro and spreading of the data. Source: table elaborated for the authors. The Legislation is ample with regard to the PPRA, the activities and the number of establishments citizens the implementation of this program are so great that it becomes impossible the action of the fiscalization, therefore are essential that a contribution exists lends between the organization and collaborators to inside minimize the risks of industrial accidents with implantation of the PPRA of the organization. Prevention of risks and employment-related accidents is not limited to the PPRA, the Norms Regulamentadoras de Medicina and Segurana in the Work, makes use other preventive programs pra to be implemented in the organization, these equally with the intention of the reduction and exclusion of acidentrios problems and decurrent occupational illnesses of the work and its environment.