Hely Lopes Meirelles defined environmental law as that intended for the study of the principles and rules aimed at preventing the destruction or degradation of the elements of nature. According to Marcelo Dias Varella, doctorate in law from the University of Paris, is one of the main branches of law today, and one of the largest branches of this was, Norberto Bobbio called new rights. And continues: many interesting and modern themes can be framed in this optics, such as controlling access to genetic resources, the emission of genetically modified organisms in the environment, bioethics, the sustainable use of biodiversity, as a way of promoting rapid and secure national development, themes already envisaged in the Charter of 1988, consolidated by the United Nations Conference on environment and development (UNCED or Rio 92), and which exceed in much conceptions agree little more than ten years ago. Thus the protection of the environment can generate many monographs and TCC on ecology and the environmental law law is a diffuse, for the most part often transindividual right, and now also transgeracional.Spoken in first generation rights (individual, classical liberalism of the eighteenth century), second generation rights (collective and social constitutions of Mexico, 1917, and Weimar, 1919) and rights of third generacion(difusos, comprendiendo los derechos ambientales, deel consumidor y otros, a partir deel final de la decada de 70, siglo XX). According to the consumer defense code (law 8078/90, art.
81, single paragraph, subparagraph I) interests or diffuse rights are indivisible nature, that are held by persons connected by circumstances and indeterminate in fact transindividual,. Says Hugo Nigro Mazzilli: comprise less certain groups of people, among which inexiste legal bond or very precise fatico. They are as a set of individual interests, of people indeterminaveis, joined by neighboring points. The object of interest is indivisible. Thus, for example, the claim by half ambient higido, since shared by undetermined number of people, cannot be quantified or divided among the members of the community. Original author and source of the article.