
The surmounting of school of languages is not new in the sector, however, with expansion of classroom C, the segment has been very looked for. The expectation is that, with the esportivos events and the economic growth of the country, in 2012, the surmounting of school of languages still more is looked. Each time more the entrepreneurs look surmountings as investment. This because through the surmounting he is possible to have an income-producing business, already structuralized and that he demands little financial resource. The surmounting is a product, and as such is offered the entrepreneur, ready, what it facilitates that the new business grows and pass to give profits quickly. A Surmounting of school of languages offers to fast return Who opts to having an enterprise in the area of education of languages valley to confer the options of surmounting of school of languages.

Beyond already having name in the market, the franqueadoras offer the necessary structure so that if the project starts. The surmountings in general offer to a estimate of return of the value invested in 18 the 24 months and a profit of 20 monthly 30%. According to Association of Brazilian of Franchising – ABF, the estimate is that the sector of surmountings grows 15% in 2012, comparing the 2011. The ABF foresees this growth based on the increase of the companies, industries and marks that have adhered to the system of surmountings. Clearly, valley to detach the economic moment that Brazil lives. The consumer with greater to be able of purchase caused the heating of the market. The expansion of Classroom C expanded the number of buying potentials.

Boom of the civil construction propitiated the creation of new quarters and with this the new creation of shoppings and commercial sectors. The Surmountings of school of languages sufficiently are looked the biggest concern Currently and chance of Brazil and the Brazilians is the esportivos events that the country will receive in 2014 and 2016, World-wide Pantry of Futebol and Olimpadas, respectively. Some cities that will be selected to receive the confederations will need to enable the population so that the services can be made. Therefore, the English is basic for the minimum of communication between the population and the visitors. Still in accordance with the ABF, the North and Northeast of Brazil are the regions that the market of surmountings more grows this explained exactly for the events of the next years. The sector of learning, training and qualification is looked when it is said in surmountings. In the market it has some options. For this, it is enough to know the method of each surmounting of school of languages, to evaluate the conditions and structure that each one provides and to choose optimum business.