In the repressive function: as the vision of the author learning possesss this function, since the professor works with clear limits and the school is a permeado space of limits (the use of uniforms, schedules, programming of pedagogical tasks etc.) Moreover, does not have space for the full expression of the desire to learn because, most of the time, the activities are collective and a citizen represents the limit of the other. In the transforming function: here it is here the element of dichotomy of the functions of the learning, therefore, at the same time where it possesss the function of the maintenance of the culture (function socializadora) and to delimit the citizen (repressora function), the learning has the function to free the man from the knowledge and, for consequence, to transform the society. These functions determined for the author show as the learning process functions and that the absence of one of the functions can affect in what we determine of learning difficulties. It is portraying this importance that if the same emphasizes the proposal of development of the knowledge and joint of for the learning by means of games and tricks. 1.2 The theories and playing Playing in the learning is not a methodology, but a strategy for the development of education.
Many researchers believe that the trick, that is, the interaction can relieve good fruits. The stimulation is born by means of the games and of the interpersonal contact between ' ' professor and aluno' '. This pedagogical structure unchains the formation of construtivistas concepts, therefore they adhere to the ideologies piagetiana. In accordance with the periods of training of the development in relation the proposal of playing as proposal in the pertaining to school activity Piaget affirms: The game is, therefore, under its two essential forms of exercise sensrio-engine and symbolism, an assimilation of the Real to the proper activity, supplying to this its necessary food and transforming the Real into function of the multiple necessities of I.