We divide the group in five teams where each one was responsible for one sub–subject of the didactic book on it I capitulate 43: The Industrial Revolution. The sub-subjects had been: 1 the bourgeoisie enriches, 2 the pioneirismo of England, 3 the revolution of the machine the vapor, 4 the situation of the diligent classroom, 5 the reaction of the workers and 6 the socialism and the fight against the capitalism. After the division of the teams and its respective contents to be worked we were for the laboratory of computer science in search to deepen our knowledge through the virtual research, since, we find viable to work not only with the didactic book, but, with more sources and resources, in the case the Internet. All the pupils had worked of active form to conclude the respective research and the division of contents to be explained in the posterior lesson in form of seminaries. The teams had obtained good research and good sources, beyond to look for to apply creative methodologies for the presentation. The presentation of the teams was very well elaborated and applied per item in the date of 24/11/2011, being that all had participated of form that, we little need to intervene, seen the deepening in the research and the reading made for the pupils, (clearly that we also had some pupils with a lesser nimbleness in the orality, however, what we could perceive was a joint effort of the teams in favor of the conclusion and presentation of the activity). All the teams if had presented in the two lessons, and finally, we made ours consideraes and we place some curiosidades on the revolution thus finishing the penultimate day of regency with the group. 4.4 – The French Revolution Ours I finish day of regency was in the date of 01/12/2011, where we start to work it I capitulate 45: The French Revolution. ation regarding this issue.