. It was possible to identify that they exist at least two modalities of what is understood for this word. According to that I obtained to select through the site the IPHAN (Institute of National the Historic site and Artistic), the idea of patrimony perpassa for the materiality line and imaterialidade. The material patrimony protected by the IPHAN, on the basis of specific legislaes is composed for a set of classified cultural goods according to its nature in four books of the Tumble: divided in real properties as the urban nuclei, archaeological and paisagsticos small farms and individual goods; mobile as archaeological collections, museolgicos quantities, you register, bibliographical, arquivsticos, videogrficos, photographic and cinematographic. (source:) On the incorporeal patrimony it also has a concept predefined for the IPHAN based on data of UNESCO (acronym in English for Organizations of United Nations) where if reports the basically artistic and cultural questions of order: UNESCO defines as Incorporeal Cultural Patrimony ‘ ‘ the practical ones, representations, expressions, knowledge and techniques – together with the cultural instruments, objects, devices and places that them are associates – that the communities, the groups and, in some cases, the individuals recognize as integrant part of its patrimony cultural.’ ‘ (Idem). However, according to Maria Ceclia London Fonseca, the image constructed of artistic and cultural patrimony is seen by the society in its majority as only one set of old monuments that must be preserved. This concept was very spread out throughout decades. But, the salient author who the monuments in itself do not represent the diversity of the daily one lived by communities that coexisted in definitive localities today overthrown as patrimony. Let us see an example of the author: When it is looked at, for example, Square XV, in the center of Rio De Janeiro, one of the icons of the national historic site, the mandate most obvious is of the real power, excited for the Imperial Pao, headquarters of the Cut.