Apud Brazil

It was worried, with the great properties, emphasizing the limitation necessity for that they could not cultivate. When limiting in 4 (four) lguas (2400 ha), was foreseen that it could have greater equity between the distribution and, clearly, the necessary culture. One more time, it is placed in question that who not to cultivate, must lose them. ' ' I was served to command the inhabitants I say, I was served to command to the Listeners bred of new that each I clinked in lands of its districts they examine if the sesmarias that if have given of bigger fulfilment of four lguas and one of width, if are cultivated by the donees or its colonists and tenants in fee in part or all so that the cultivated ones if conserve and the ones that will not have if they judge, for vacant according to distribute for other inhabitants its possibilities, of that you acknowledgment to have understood it thus (LETTER REGAL, IN 27/12/1695 Apud Brazil, 2007: Volume III: 59). ' ' But, only two years later, in letter it prevailed of 7 of December of 1697, determines the government of Portugal, that the granted sesmarias, are limited the 3 (three) lguas, emphasizing, again, the necessity of the production and that in amount raised, it would not have conditions to produce that ' ' she is what she understands yourself can a person cultivate in the term of the law because in more she is to hinder that others populate and that the ones that ask for and reach do not cultivate (REGAL LETTER, in 7/12/1697 Apud BRAZIL, 2007: Volume III: 60) ' '. Explicitava, therefore the concern of Portugal with the process of povoamento, that would not be being contents carried through it, in view of the land concentration. Moreover, exactly forcing the exit of Portuguese for Brazil, the condition was not similar to England, in the povoamento process American north. .

Saint Maria

In 18 of July of 1824, arrived the first one take of 39 Germans the Porto Alegre and in day 25 in the River of the Bells. Of 1824 the 1830 had arrived at Brazil 5350 Germans; ten a thousand of 1844 the 1850, ten a thousand of 1860 the 1889, year of the announcement of the Republic and one year after the abolition of the slavery, and 17 a thousand of 1890 the 1914, perfazendo a total of 42389 Germans. To be moved away from the Farroupilha Revolution, in 1830, although Otto Heise, Samuel Kerst and Caspar Stephanovsky, to have participated of the ideology to substitute the monarchy for the republic, in Porto Alegre, the Germans if had dislocated for Saint Maria and after that they had been exhausted, they created in the valleys of the rivers Taquari, Pardo and Pardinho the colonies of Santa Cruz of the South, Saint ngelo and Santa Maria of the New World. In the Lagoon of the Ducks, they had created the colony of Are Loureno of the South. they had initiated the production of shoes, textile and cotton, in Santa Catarina, Paran and Rio Grande Do Sul. Proclaimed the Republic in Brazil, the government of the Rio Grande Do Sul stimulated the particular settling and the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul was transformed into zone colonial, having they crossed the River Uruguay and migrado for Santa Catarina and Paran, after having servant, in the century XX Iju, Santa Rosa and others in the north of Argentina and Paraguay. After the Second War, a group of families who had arrived in Santa Catarina in 1930, had been fixed in Bag, between 1949 and 1951, locking in there the migration alem.’

Question: With the arrival and settling of the Germans in the South Region, the example of the Falklands Islands that belong to England, she would have been it a branch that would facilitate the access of the Third Reich in the South America! III? PROVINCE CISPLATINA ‘ ‘ Of 1825 the 1828, Brazil and Argentina had fought for the ownership of lands of Uruguay. Between 11 and 27 of August of 1828, they had signed one ‘ ‘ Preliminary convention of Paz’ ‘ , in which the Cisplatina Province had its recognized independence for the two countries. In the following day, Brazil signed with the Joined Provinces of the River of the Silver the Treated one to Rio De Janeiro ratified in 4 of October, waking up that the province would be definitively independent e, if necessary, would fight thus to remain, while Brazil recouped the Territory of the Misses.


. It was possible to identify that they exist at least two modalities of what is understood for this word. According to that I obtained to select through the site the IPHAN (Institute of National the Historic site and Artistic), the idea of patrimony perpassa for the materiality line and imaterialidade. The material patrimony protected by the IPHAN, on the basis of specific legislaes is composed for a set of classified cultural goods according to its nature in four books of the Tumble: divided in real properties as the urban nuclei, archaeological and paisagsticos small farms and individual goods; mobile as archaeological collections, museolgicos quantities, you register, bibliographical, arquivsticos, videogrficos, photographic and cinematographic. (source:) On the incorporeal patrimony it also has a concept predefined for the IPHAN based on data of UNESCO (acronym in English for Organizations of United Nations) where if reports the basically artistic and cultural questions of order: UNESCO defines as Incorporeal Cultural Patrimony ‘ ‘ the practical ones, representations, expressions, knowledge and techniques – together with the cultural instruments, objects, devices and places that them are associates – that the communities, the groups and, in some cases, the individuals recognize as integrant part of its patrimony cultural.’ ‘ (Idem). However, according to Maria Ceclia London Fonseca, the image constructed of artistic and cultural patrimony is seen by the society in its majority as only one set of old monuments that must be preserved. This concept was very spread out throughout decades. But, the salient author who the monuments in itself do not represent the diversity of the daily one lived by communities that coexisted in definitive localities today overthrown as patrimony. Let us see an example of the author: When it is looked at, for example, Square XV, in the center of Rio De Janeiro, one of the icons of the national historic site, the mandate most obvious is of the real power, excited for the Imperial Pao, headquarters of the Cut.

West Ukraine

So now Ukraine, proceeding from this, wants to see themselves as part of the West. But if you also consider the outlook and life (ie, thinking, culture, communication and human relations, etc.), the Ukraine and Belarus – is the same as Russia. And in their desire, by all means to become an appendage of the West, Ukraine is at times more "Asian" country than Russia (in the words of Berdyaev). That is why Ukraine could suffer the same fate as Turkey, where she deceives himself, believing himself to the West, but in fact they are not. Accordingly, the prospect of eu membership for Ukraine not much greater than that of Turkey. Although nato, it could join, as did Turkey. On the background of such cultural and "everyday" proximity of Russia and Ukraine (where Ukraine is a separate state), seems especially absurd presence in the Russian North Caucasus (where the North Caucasian peoples on all the criteria are different from Russian). As already mentioned, the same Dagestani Chechens as an ethnically and linguistically distinct from Russian.

But the most importantly, their outlook and way of life "is different. Even if we do not take into account religion, these people have different morals. Other mechanisms of interpersonal and intersexual relations. For example, the president of , in all seriousness, says: "Polygamy is allowed to our customs, our religion. On the other hand, if a young girl or a divorced woman is walking, her brother kills her, and that man. " "We have very strict customs.

Paul Feyerabend Researcher

At last, having in account the fact of that all document is at the same time true and false, it is treated to put to the light the production conditions and to show where measured the document it is instrument of a power. A choice that necessarily means a refusal, a resignation to a infinity others of quarrel possibilities. in all written workmanship it has an absent workmanship. This wants to say that to select sources and ways to tell it estimates the option to exclude from the context other sources and ways to tell. In historiogrficos terms, this indicates that to each interpretation a myriad of other possible forms of apprehension of the object is left of side and that, still, new felt always will be able to emerge of other onslaughts.

The researcher must initiate its to make for the fact, for the empirical data, renouncing of all arcabouo theoretician and if to fix in its device, as it places Paul Feyerabend the idea to lead the businesses of science with the aid of a method, that it locks up firm, invariant principles and unconditionally obligator it is seen ahead of considerable difficulty, when ece of fish in confrontation with the results of the historical research. We verify, making a confrontation, that does not have one alone rule, even so reasonable and established well in the epistemologia, that leaves of being violated at some moment. One becomes clearly that such breakings are not accidental events, are not resulted of insufficient knowledge or carelessness that could have been prevented. We perceive, in contrast, that the breakings are necessary for the progress. In the last few decades a magnifying of the historical document notion is perceived. The widening of the conception of source made possible to the researcher an addition to the investigativas possibilities, what it requires as consequncia, a reflection and problematizao of these alternatives.


Dhiogo Jose Academic Caetano of State UEG-University of Gois Word-Key: Source, Historiografia, Hermenutica and Historiado. From the analysis of diverse texts, we can notice that the historiogrfico process is something vast and complex and influenced by the vision it historian. Such influence must be washed in consideration to the imperfection of the memory and diverse the problematic ones refuted in the process. As we can see the work of construction of history this interlaced thing with the representation and the hermeneutics, something basic in the modern historiografia, a form to organize and to investigate the sources, however the historian to have to be necessary how much to the look, to hear and to write a true antropolgico work that it aims at properly said to suck the information, of the diverse verbal sources and traditions of groups, etnias and societies, basic for a construction of the past, something that goes deep the memory, the orality, the distant and next past for breaching with the limits of history. However the historian must look at of analytical and empirical form the sources, not considering the worked memory as weapon x, therefore we can find problematic related with the selective memory which is influenced by the way, beyond the subjectivity that much is worked by the historians. Therefore the historiogrfico process walks in the direction of a complexity, however with problematic deep, therefore ' ' never passed it can be repesado or be refuted as aconteceu' '.


But the problem of this system of alliance is that some aggression of a country with the other was had, this would unchain a effect domin. Another one aggravation is the fact of the superiority that each country felt on the other, and which had to this all the powers found that this 4 war would be short. Another question importantssima is as that the European powers legitimized a possible conflict. This legitimacy was conquered through the one creation ' ' enemy externo' ' , and this enemy was not very difficult to obtain, we can catch the case of France and Germany in relation the German unification in 1871. In this conflict France lost for Germany the region of the Alacia and the Lorena that were sufficiently rich in coal and iron, substances cousins of extreme importance for the time (industrialization). Germany in ownership of all these resources, had its sped up growth, what it finished bothering the English. The mentioned systems of alliances above, consist basically in two: the Trplice Alliance and the Entente Cordiale. The first one was composed for the German Empire, Austrohungarian Empire and for Italy, and was part of the second alliance England and France.

The Entente had as main objective the containment of the German empire. Russia only came if to join with the Entente some which had time later to the interest to the French and English capitals that a good usefulness in the increase of Russian industrialization would have, however Russia also had other intentions, as of if approaching to the Balkans so that its support the Slavic populations that if opposed the Austrohungarian domination was facilitated 5. 3 BEGINNING OF the CONLFITO In this topic, will be explanado the causes of the deflagration of the conflict to the light of the research carried through for author Mrcia MOTTA. It initiates saying that what made with that the great war was declared, was the death of the heir of the Austrian throne that happened in Sarajevo, that is the capital of the Bsnia, that in turn was a province of the Austrohungarian empire.

The Sugar Colonial Society

The COLONIAL SOCIETY SUGAR Elias Joo Penalty SUMMARY: This work looks for to focus the life in the sugar colonial society, of this of the device until the arrival and contribution of the Jesuits to defend a people who of free and happy was passing to a life suffered from slaughter and escravismo. Beyond displaying on the sugar colonial society, it will try to explain that the indian suffered equally as the black and the mestizo. This research also looks for to tell the importance of the black as man power for the Portuguese, mainly in the constructions and maintenances of the devices, telling its suffering as human being, person whom feeling thinks and has, humanistic qualities, rejected for that they only wanted to explore and to maltreat these men, women and even though defenseless children of any rights that its freedom guaranteed. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: black, indian, colonial, white and crossbred sugar society. DEVICE: It can be said that; the device was the set that contribua for the production of sugar cane-of-sugar. Where it had the chapel (place where if it carried through religious masses, marriages and meeting with free men and obliged farmers), the house-great one (housing Mr. of device and its family), the sugar cane, the canavial and senzala (housing of the slaves). In the manufacture of the sugar it had the milling, the house to purge and the house of the boilers.

The Creation Of The Republic Of The Vietnam

Index 1 – Introduction 2 – The Creation of the Democratic Republic of the Vietname: ) – the War of Vietname 3 – the formation of the World-wide System of the Socialism. Introduction the Democratic Republic of the Vietname (known as the Vietname of the North or simply, Vietnam) was established by Ho Chi Minh, in 1950 e, immediately recognized for China and the Ussr. In 1954, after its defeat in the battle of Din Bin Phu, France formal recognized this country in the Conference of Geneva, although in the height, it to be divided in two (Vietname of the North and South). The city of Ho Chi Minh (Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh), assigned Saigon (in the Brazilian Portuguese) and Saigo (in the European Portuguese) up to 1975, is the biggest city, situated the South of the country, possessing about 6,1 million inhabitants. It is the biggest port and, center advertising-industrial of the Vietnam.

It possesss the province statute and, was established by the Khmers, being conquered by the anameses in century XVII. Busy for France in 1859, one became in the capital of Cochinchina and, later, of all Going French China, up to 1902. In 1954, one became in the capital of the Vietnam of the South, having been Quarter-General of the American troops during the war of the Vietnam. The Creation of the Democratic Republic of the Vietname the War of the Vietname the War of the Vietname (American War, according to Vietnamese), was an armed conflict occurrence in the Asian Southeast between 1959 and 30 of April of 1975, placing of a side the Republic of the Vietnam (Vietnam of the South) and U.S.A., with the participation effective, however secondary of the Coreia of the south, Australia and the New Zelndia. of another one, the Democratic Republic of the Vietnam of the North and the National Front for the Release of Vietname (FNL).

Marx Workers

Finally, they are joined to the previous factors the intensification of the corporative trend, that it looks to preserve the interests of the steady work force. The crisis of the syndical movement if accents with the development of the individualizao of the work relations; deregulation and flexibilizao of the work market; ideological action and the capacity of manipulation of the capital. The unions beyond making front to the movement of the toyotismo, need to abandon the structure verticalizada for the horizontalizada one, to advance stops beyond a defensive action and with this assistant in the search of a project that walks in the direction of the emancipation of the workers. Ricardo Antunes places the possibility of the precarious, partial, temporary workers or subproletariados, capsizes if to constitute in a social citizen capable to assume bolder actions, searching its space, its rights and representations. In the room and last chapter, the author initiates explicitando that it is absolutely necessary to characterize the dimension when if the question of the crisis of the work society argues. Is about the abstract work or concrete? The first one being understood as more intelectualizado as with artisan characteristics. If the crisis is of the abstract work, translates the reduction of the alive work and the magnifying of the work died, indicated for Marx as trend of the capitalism. The worker already does not transform objects directly material, but he supervises the productive process in machines.

Antunes makes question to leave clear these basic questions, therefore they mark out with buoys the tasks that must be carried through by the workers in the construction of its future, for it, the revolution of our days are, in this manner, a revolution in and of the work. It is a revolution in the work in the measure where she must necessarily abolish the abstract work and restore a society established in the auto-activity human being, in the work concrete that generates useful things socially, in the social work. However, the author little mentions itself to the impacts of the capitalism in the agricultural segment, to the paper of education institutions. It enters the diverse forms of depreciation, the professional period of training is not mentioned. The practical one of period of training act of contract is the new modality of precarizao of the work, therefore, the trainee contracts itself as cheap man power, leaving thousand of diligent is of the work market.