Once already you have your open accounts will only be to add content in them. You can begin with writing 10 articles all of them related to your subject, tries to say interesting things and original with a fresh language and listener and that mainly is of your own harvest, you can inspirarte in articles and material of other people but what you write to of being yours. You do not believe that it is very difficult, everything is to put themselves in front of the PC, to think about the specific subject of which you want to speak and that you will have or it mentally structured and or is leaving, as in all the first hill the more Once you have finished articles, or you will have made the part the more expensive, which follows is funnier. You will have to make 10 videos inspired by the articles that you will have written. You can leave your and to explain you article or to make a presentation with similar Power Point or other programs, also can use edition programs of video like for example: the Movie Maker de Microsoft, and to record the screen of your PC with Camtasia, you publish and it in your channel of Youtube, video google, etc. Pblica the articles with content of first level distributed between article directories and your blog main, leaving to the other articles of smaller level for the other blogs you complement and them with your videos. You put announcements in classified and you send your notes of product presentation in press bulletins, generate 10 articles more with the combination of the first 10, generate the greater amount of twits with articles, date to know in Twitter and Facebook visits related forums commenting posts or articles that you find interesting, and mainly you do not forget to include always your connection towards your Web site or blog As soon as the system that includes/understands bloque#1 – Generating of traffic he is all the working, immediately you will see positive results that they will be translated in money. Here part of this article finishes 1, if you have liked sgueme in 2 part where you will be able to see the rest of the general strategy. For your success.
In addition, when paraphrasing, You can find out how has well been listening. As soon as the person has stopped speaking, she says: " What I have understood than You you have said you are " and then it repeats what You simply have understood. Such " controls of realidad" they are more important when You are treating an emotional subject, for example when a subordinate to char it with You on a problem with a fellow worker. The emotion tends to make the less clear person. On You you depend to make sure that it is receiving the true message of the other person. In such occasions, it could ask, " He is this what You are trying to say to me? " and refrasee what You think that the person is trying to say. Then, by his answer, she asegrese that You have interpreted what has been said by the person correctly. By means of these questions, You also obtain that the other person gives to You the elaborations him, corrections and adjustments the expressed thing, that they can, sometimes, to make a difference very important.
A way to prove its progress in this aspect, is to record its telephone conversations. Vulvalas to hear and writes down frequently You how you did you ask and refrase what the other person said. Conquiste the fear of silence. The impulse to fill a silence can be almost irresistible. It is better not to speak immediately after a silence takes place, without mattering what the other person has said. Even though a question has done him for which You have a ready answer, she tmese a little while to think.
If the other part stops speaking, begins to count and mantngase doing it until she returns to speak. One does not hurry to fill silence. It acquires the practice to make pauses when speaking, that allows to think him, to analyze the situation, to pay attention to the tone of voice of the other person, to appreciate the things that can be different than You had anticipated, all of which will allow to listen better and to give better answers him.
Unsafe Professor
– Superproteo of the parents? it does not attribute to the children responsibilities (supplied classrooms)? Entrance very early in the world of the work for the adolescents (popular classrooms) – Difficulties of the parents to place limits – we do not have to say to the one son not to say because. /Based it does not have that to have practical consequences, because without this you demoralize its speech-Oscillation espontneismo/authoritarianism-Family Small Difficulties To educate. Lack of experience of the parents. – Vision Education as investment. Fixed aspiration for the social ascension.
– Many extra activities classroom/swimming, tennis, ballet, jud, etc, without giving to the due priority school 3 – RELATED FACTORS the SCHOOLS – Not educational definition proposal – Lack of educative projects – Lack of professional integration has equipped technique? employees? direction. – Different Positions ahead of the same facts. Not clear norms and absence of dialogue regarding them. – Lack of support professional work – Lack didactic resources – economic Dependence clientele (particular) or of the public power (been) – insufficient Remuneration? disqualified professionals – favorable physical Conditions? barulhentas, hot classrooms, pressed, if do not obtain good discipline. – excess pupils classroom. 4 – PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE PROFESSOR: – Disqualification – Lack of didactics – it reads books during the lesson speaks accurately as it is in books writes time in the picture all.
– Other people’s Questions the lesson? as ideological pregaes, mainly politics/professor is vitiated is enough to touch .em the subject to leave the paper. – Excessively severe, irritadio, aggressive, mal-humorado. Many times the professor hides its incompetence and omission behind an authoritarianism without meaning? Good Mood is essential. – Incapacity Communication/fearful, Unsafe Professor. Shy professor of ibope/the shyness is not a creation of the society, represented per very severe parents, who finish being incorporated with an interior court in charge to evaluate, the all instant, its behavior and its speaks.
Marx Workers
Finally, they are joined to the previous factors the intensification of the corporative trend, that it looks to preserve the interests of the steady work force. The crisis of the syndical movement if accents with the development of the individualizao of the work relations; deregulation and flexibilizao of the work market; ideological action and the capacity of manipulation of the capital. The unions beyond making front to the movement of the toyotismo, need to abandon the structure verticalizada for the horizontalizada one, to advance stops beyond a defensive action and with this assistant in the search of a project that walks in the direction of the emancipation of the workers. Ricardo Antunes places the possibility of the precarious, partial, temporary workers or subproletariados, capsizes if to constitute in a social citizen capable to assume bolder actions, searching its space, its rights and representations. In the room and last chapter, the author initiates explicitando that it is absolutely necessary to characterize the dimension when if the question of the crisis of the work society argues. Is about the abstract work or concrete? The first one being understood as more intelectualizado as with artisan characteristics. If the crisis is of the abstract work, translates the reduction of the alive work and the magnifying of the work died, indicated for Marx as trend of the capitalism. The worker already does not transform objects directly material, but he supervises the productive process in machines.
Antunes makes question to leave clear these basic questions, therefore they mark out with buoys the tasks that must be carried through by the workers in the construction of its future, for it, the revolution of our days are, in this manner, a revolution in and of the work. It is a revolution in the work in the measure where she must necessarily abolish the abstract work and restore a society established in the auto-activity human being, in the work concrete that generates useful things socially, in the social work. However, the author little mentions itself to the impacts of the capitalism in the agricultural segment, to the paper of education institutions. It enters the diverse forms of depreciation, the professional period of training is not mentioned. The practical one of period of training act of contract is the new modality of precarizao of the work, therefore, the trainee contracts itself as cheap man power, leaving thousand of diligent is of the work market.
Antonio Bueno
One enters all the cures for extreme perspiration only proved to be more efficient, without collateral effect and of the form less invasive. If you to read the book written for Antonio intitled Bueno ' ' Without Suor' ' you go to discover that a painless alternative in the treatment of its problems with extreme perspiration exists. Hiperidrose since always was treated as an illness, doctors have neglected the correlation of the ambient factors that affect the psychological state of a person who helps to unchain these episodes of sudorese extreme. If this sounds complicated, Antonio Bueno still explains why a man would go to only dive in sudorese profusa because it is the next one for a job interview. Antonio discovered a method to find the cause root of its sweat and goes off the simple method in three steps to eliminate them forever. Its methods are of exclusive use to make only the easily available materials cheapest and that you to be able to find in the neighborhoods of its house. It becomes very convenient to inside carry through these procedures of an interval of 30 minutes per day. You even can exactly to incorporate these methods, together with its daily routines.
With its new technique that you go to make it will go to finish with all the cures ackward for the extreme perspiration that you tried and failed in the past. If you are somebody that suffers from extreme perspiration and the possibilities are that you are reading different articles in the hope to find some information useful on as to treat the problem. He looks at more far from what the cure for extreme perspiration. If we offer proven tips to finish forever with this embarrassing problem without sweat.
The Amazing Spiderman
Got a Playstation 3? Then you might want to get one of its newest games – The Amazing Spiderman. Whether you are a five-year old kid who loves the series or a 50-year-old woman who vaguely remembers her brothers watching the original 1967 show many moons ago, this is a fun game for everyone, according to this review site.
This game enables the user to become Spiderman. No more looking at Spiderman longingly or trying to possibly fathom what it would be like to have his amazing powers, with this game, you will take on his role of protecting the city of New York from a whole array of unfathomable threats! He twits and turns through the city’s skyline with supersonic speeds and is incredible to watch.
What’s great about this game is also its stunning interior as Spidey swings through the everyday streets of the city and the game user gets to meet his most dangerous enemies. It’s fun, it’s furious, it’s fast and it feels like it’s you!